Since streaming video on your phone requires a data connection to work you will need to make sure that your phone has a good internet connection. Method 1: Check the phone internet connection Make sure data usage is turned on for YouTube.Make sure your phone has the latest version of YouTube Music installed.Make sure your phone is running on the latest software version.One problem that you might encounter while trying to use the YouTube Music app on your phone is when you get the no network connection error. What to do when you get the no connection error on YouTube Music app This will allow for an ad free experience, download songs for offline playback, or even play music in the background. You can download the app for free from the Google Play Store however to get the best experience possible it’s best to subscribe to a premium plan. YouTube Music is the music streaming service of Google that offers a wide selection of songs and music videos. To fix this you will need to perform a series of troubleshooting steps. This is usually caused by a poor to no internet connection or a software glitch. The YouTube Music no network connection error usually occurs when trying to playback a song using the app.